2010年,台灣的中國醫藥大學發表了一篇論文,內容証實: 蒜油可以降低糖尿病患者,得到心血管疾病的風險。

家中有糖尿病的家屬或長輩,可以建議他們多吃含有大蒜的食物,應該有益無害。 不久前邱醫師也寫過一篇文章,講到大蒜可以抑制葡萄球菌,〈請看「吃香腸要配大蒜喔!」〉,現在又發現大蒜可以減少心血管疾病的風險,真是好東西。
Garlic Oil May Slash Cardiovascular Risks Among Diabetics
Posted on 2010-10-15 06:00:00 in Cardio-Vascular | Diabetes | Functional Foods |
People with diabetes have at least twice the risk of death from heart disease as non-diabetics, and cardiomyopathy is a type of heart disease that causes inflammation and weakening of the heart muscle tissue – increasing the risk of cardiovascular-related death among diabetics. Wei-Wen Kuo, from China Medical University (Taiwan), and colleagues conducted a test among laboratory animals modeling the diabetes condition, giving them either garlic oil or corn oil. Animals given garlic oil experienced beneficial changes associated with protection against heart damage. The changes appeared to be associated with the potent antioxidant properties of garlic oil, with researchers positing the effect as a result of over twenty substances in garlic oil that may be responsible for it. The team concludes that: “Garlic oil possesses significant potential for protecting hearts from diabetes-induced cardiomyopathy.”